I think I am a once a month blogger. I may need to change that because I am wondering if it will keep me more on target for beading and artwork. May proved to be an incredibly busy month. The strong start in regard to beading, self promotion, etc kind of fizzled out although I was making some sweet embellished briolettes, of whom I have to finish (is that even a correct kind of word use?)
I made a ruby accented rose quartz briolette and a crocheted chain for a dear friend's daughter who graduated from college. Did I take a picture? No. Guess what her name is though....Rubi Rose. How perfect is that? She is a photographer, I will ask her to take a pic of the necklace for me.
The last week of May I went on a quick decision trip to VT to be with a friend who had just lost her Mother. She took me to a fabulous bead store in New Hampshire, GemStar. I got some fun strands of beads including some CZ's. Teeeeeny tiny little beads, and briolettes. I am having a slight briolette fetish. I will have to post pictures over the next few days.
Today, I started out June by playing with watercolor and creating a portrait of my Grand Daughter. I cannot say it looks good, but I plan to watercolor and portrait daily. I liked the colors I achieved on strawberry vines I drew, and the way I applied the color on Vivies face, although the features are off a bit and proportion. I used to create portraits regularly so I will hopefully get back into the groove with it.
After I watch Genevieve tomorrow I will be playing with briolettes more and making crochet chain.
Hopefully will write more next week, and I plan to add (as I said) pictures. Have a wonderful June!


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